Newsletter 80 December 2017
Dear All. Christmas is approaching, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your efforts in the past year. The Department is engaged in research, education and innovation at the highest level, and we would therefore like to thank for your outstanding contributions and good cooperation in the year that has passed. In 2018 there are certainly many new and exciting projects, and we wish you all a great holiday and start of the new year.
Registration deadline for scientific publications: January 15, 2018. At that time, all publications with publication year 2017 must be registered in Pure. The number of scientific articles is used increasingly as a measure of the Department's performance, and each article has an influence on our basic research funding.
Grant Applications
Please remember that all applications exceeding 100,000 DKK must be registered in ReAp - and applications exceeding 1 million DKK must be approved by me at least one week before the deadline.
Anders Jahres Prizes
Proposals are seeked for the Anders Jahres prizes awarded by Oslo University: The first prize is 1 million NOK and the medical prize for younger researchers (under 40 years) is 400.000 NOK. If you have suggestions, they must be sent to the undersigned no later than 5. January 2018.
News from the Novo Nordisk Foundation
Infrastructure support (equipment and facilities): Deadline 22 / 3-2018. Grant sizes: DKK 5-25 million.
Researchers from the Department received 10 project grants (life sciences/clinical) in 2017 - out of a total of 89 grants. That's well done. By comparison, the Department received 4 grants out of 51 in the medical research category in 2016.
News from the Lundbeck Foundation
New themes: What causes brain diseases (deadline 22/3-2018) and personal medicine causing brain diseases (deadline 19/4-2018)
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Thomas G. Jensen