Newsletter 64, June 2016
Dear All Please find latest news before the vacation:
Strategy – especially on the aim of a good moving process - and something about staff development dialogue (SDD)
One important priority is to plan the movements processes. Thus group leaders that are to relocate into the Skou building in 2017 will in August / September meet with the management group to discuss the best use of the new facility. Meetings are held for each ½ floor in the new building and so far all meetings except one have been planned. The process is expected to be completed by year-end. The first meeting had a good and constructive spirit. It is a major task to prepare, organize and follow up on meetings, but we believe that it is right way to prioritize to ensure the best decisions and ensuring ownership. When the first round of meetings are held, we will make a status.
SDDs in 2016 will be initiated after the summer with the management team and group leaders. The invitations will be send out in the next few weeks. It was disappointing to see in the psychological APV that many have not been invited to SDD, and all daily personnel managers can expect again to be asked whether they have held SDDs in their own group. All employees at AU must be offered SDD once a year.
We expect that there will be a clarification after the summer on the economic challenges for the department. We are working on possibilities for financing the construction projects by distributing the costs over several years, and by obtaining external financing. The status on the economy for the faculty can be read here:
Start packages from AUFF
Next deadline for start packages for assistant and associate professors is September 1, and both the Department and the Faculty should prioritize the applications. We will again have great attention to the budgets in order to include indirect costs. Criteria for applying can be found on the website: The prioritization will as before be made by the research committee and the management team. Applications and budgets should not later than Thursday, August 25 be sent to
NOVA application from AUFF
Also here the application deadline is 1st of September. We will also here have great attention to budgets – aiming to cover indirect costs. Applications and budgets must before Thursday, August 25 sent to
Presence during the vacation
There is throughout July some from the management team at work. Contact Anni Mandrup Hoeg at # 20 59 77 85 or
Sandbjerg stay is now almost free
Due to support from AUFF it is now very cheap to stay at Sandbjerg. The support is approx. 750 DKK per. course days per participant, and the price of a normal conference day is 1024 DKK incl. VAT. See more here:
Follow-up on the psychological APV
We have held four dialogue meetings at the Department to discuss the issues which could be seen from the psychological APV, and APV group is discussing what can be done about the problems identified. We thank you all for the comments and suggestions that came up during the meetings.
Good participation in the evacuation exercise
Thanks to all who contributed constructively to the exercise, which was valuable to find a number of weaknesses. The Working Environment Committee examined the reports from exercises and points among others that there should be greater attention to: Evacuation of basements and the top floor of our building (eg animal housing in West and South) and in rooms with high noise levels and employees who wear hearing protection. All employees should also be aware on the roles of Evacuation Leader and Assembly Foreman. These issues will be further discussed at coming house meetings.
Inaugural lecture
Marco Capogna who April 1st was appointed professor of neuroscience. His inaugural lecture will be held 23. August at 12:00 in Lille anatomically auditorium. Everyone is welcome.
Tour in the Skou Building
Fifteen employees had an exciting afternoon Friday, June 10, where they got to see the new Skou Building both inside and from above. Seats for the first tour for employees to the Skou Building was snapped up in under 30 minutes, and because of the great interest more opportunities to see the building is planned. Read more here:
Have you changed your position?
We have many people who have not been erased in our address book after they have ended their affiliation with the Department or haven’t updated their information after a change in their positions at the Department. We will in the future try to clean up the database. It is therefore important that you check whether your information in the in the Address Book is correct: . If you for instance have changed status from PhD student to postdoc, but have not changed it in the address book, there is a risk that you will be deleted, and thus lose access to your e-mail, servers and other IT services at AU. If your information in the address book is not correct please contact your local secretariat as soon as possible.
Travel stipends
AU can propose 5 to 10 candidates for the Reinholdt W. Jorck and Spouse's Foundation travel grant of 200,000 kr. Travel scholarships can be used for educational / research stay within the following disciplines: Mercantile (MSc.), Law, medicine ( and political science (cand.scient.pol.). Applications from the departments of graduates undergraduates, graduate students or Ph.D. students in medicine should be sent to the faculty secretariat no later than 26. August to
Good summer to all
I hope to spend a week in Anholt, and apart from that I aim to read some books (Murakami) and have cleared up at home.
Yours sincerely