Aarhus University Seal

New professor develops medicine for patients with kidney cancer

Frede Donskov from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital conducts research into the treatment of kidney cancer. In his new professorship, he will intensify his efforts to fight metastatic kidney cancer – a serious and life-threatening disease that affects approximately 300 Danes every year.

Metastatic kidney cancer is a type of cancer that spreads outside the kidney, with the typical treatment consisting of biological cancer medicine, i.e. targeted medicinal treatment and immunotherapy.

Professor Frede Donskov dreams of curing a significant number of the patients with kidney cancer by improving the medicinal treatment. He therefore spends time in the laboratory analysing scans, tissue from tumours, blood and faeces with the aim of identifying factors that can lead to improved diagnosis and prognosis. In addition, he has also headed studies in a range of clinical trials, a number of which have resulted in new and improved standard treatment for patients with metastatic kidney cancer.

Presently, Frede Donskov is heading a large Scandinavian study which combines surgical and medicinal treatment, while also leading a national study in which researchers are examining the blood concentration in patients who are undergoing medicinal treatment using drugs for treating kidney cancer.

The results of the Danish study are expected to contribute to a more precise dosing of the medicine, which will in turn mean greater effect, fewer side effects and earlier warning in cases where the treatment does not have the desired effect.

Frede Donskov will hold his inaugural lecture on 20 March 2020 at 15.00. His professorship is financed by the Health Science Research Foundation, Central Denmark Region.


Professor, Consultant, DMSc Frede Donskov
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Oncology
Mobile: (+45) 4046 5234
Email: fd@oncology.au.dk