Aarhus University Seal

New leader for forensic pathologists in Aarhus (kopi 1)

Associate Professor of Forensic Chemistry and Head of Section of Narcotics Analysis Christian Lindholst is the new head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at Aarhus University.

Lindholst, who is a well-known face to staff members at the department, will be heading the department as from 1 October. Christian Lindholst, who holds a PhD in biology and chemistry from the University of Southern Denmark from 2003, first arrived at the department in 2005 and was appointed head of the department’s narcotics section two years later. Since 2012, he has served as deputy head of department and as such he has been responsible for the department’s strategy on knowledge exchange. As from October he will be heading the department. He will be the first chemist ever to hold that position at the Aarhus department.

Over the years, Christian Lindholst has specialised in narcotics and mapping of the illicit drugs market in Denmark. His efforts have positioned the department as a leader in the field of strategic drug profiling, nationally as well as internationally.

One important focal point for Christian Lindholst will be to defend the department’s position of strength in this field of research which was recently consolidated through the formation of a bioanalysis unit, an image diagnostic unit and a centre for abuse awareness. The department also participates in a national research project aiming to establish and prevent unexpected deaths among the mentally ill.

“The Department of Forensic Medicine solves tasks of great social value which are typically of considerable importance to the persons involved. With Christian Lindholst at the forefront, the department will be run by an ambitious leader of high academic standards capable of advancing the continued development of the department. Furthermore, he is fully aware of the considerable responsibility that rests with a department such as his,” says Dean of the Faculty of Health Allan Flyvbjerg.

The Department of Forensic Medicine, which is located at Aarhus University Hospital in Skejby, is primarily known to the public owing to its medico-legal autopsies, crime scene investigations, inquests and examinations of persons. To this should be added the forensic chemical analyses performed in connection with autopsies and assault and traffic cases.

When Christian Lindholst assumes his duties, he will be succeeding Annie Vesterby Charles, who will continue to serve as a state-appointed forensic pathologist with the department.

Christian Lindholst is 40 years old and married to medical doctor Bettina Bak. They have three children: Julie, 12 years, Christoffer, 9 years and Caspar, 6 years of age. The family resides in Skødstrup near Aarhus.

Further information: 

Christian Lindholst
Tel: 87 16 83 31

Mobile: 20 93 92 23
