Aarhus University Seal

New director of studies at the Department of Public Health

On 1 February 2018, Kirsten Beedholm takes over the position of director of studies from Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen. The position entails responsibility for the day-to-day management of three of the department's Master's degree programmes, a professional Master's degree programme and the chairmanship of the study board.

Associate Professor and PhD Kirsten Beedholm has just been appointed director of studies at the Department of Public Health. When she is not working as director of studies, she lectures and carries out research at the Section for Nursing. She has a predominately sociological and organisational approach to the healthcare system and specialises in how new frameworks and organisations in the healthcare system affect the individual stakeholders – both the public, patients and healthcare professionals. 

Among her first tasks as director of studies, Kirsten Beedholm will:

  • Continue to work on harmonising the three health science Master's degree programmes so that they maintain their unique academic profile. 
  • Strengthen cooperation and coordination between the course coordinators within individual semesters.
  • Contribute to and implement the vision and the strategy process at Health. 

Kirsten Beedholm is director of studies for the health science Master's degree programme, the Master’s degree programme in Optometry and Visual Science, the Master's degree programme in nursing, and the professional Master's degree programme in Clinical Nursing.


Associate Professor, PhD, Kirsten Beedholm
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health – Section for Nursing
Mobile: (+45) 2047 5824
Email: kbe@ph.au.dk