New article from our Australian collaborators published!
The article titled "Risk and Protective Factors for Middle- and Long-Distance Running-Related Injury", with Adam Hulme as first author has been published in Sports Medicine!

The main objective of the review-article was to compile the evidence of modifiable and non-modifiable risk and protective factors for middle and long-distance running-related injury.
Through their systematic approach the authors identified several factors of interest, but ultimately finds that much research is still needed for the evidence on many factors to be conclusive.
The article "Risk and Protective Factors for Middle- and Long-Distance Running-Related Injury", is published in the prestigious journal "Sports Medicine" with Adam Hulme (Federation University) as first author, and an international collaboration of co-authors, including: Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen, Toomas Timpka (Linköping University), Evert Verhagen (Federation University & Vrije University) and Caroline Finch (Federation University).
Congratulations with the impressive publication!