Aarhus University Seal

Neuroscience Day 2021 - Flowing Neuroscience

On Thursday 6 May from 13:00 – 17:40, NeuroCampus Aarhus is hosting Neuroscience Day 2021 – “Flowing Neuroscience” in the web-conferencing space Gather.town.

Neuroscience Day 2021

NeuroCampus Aarhus welcomes participants and abstracts/posters from ALL AREAS related to neuroscience.

This year’s focus will be “Vascularization and flow in the CNS”. The talks will give perspectives on the crucial importance of adequate vascularization and flow in the CNS. Changes in perfusion – from molecular to macroscopic levels - result in a large number of diseases.

Keynote speaker is the 2019 Brain Prize Winner Professor Anne Joutel from INSERM, Paris.

You will find the updated program and further information on our event website:

Registration and abstract submission:

Abstract submission deadline: Sunday 10 April 2021 (Extended deadline)

Registration deadline: Tuesday 27 April 2021

Registration and abstract submission link: https://www.conftool.net/nsd2021