Aarhus University Seal

More flexible study scheme for entrepreneurs at AU

A new scheme makes it easier for students at Aarhus University to combine their studies with entrepreneurial activities.

There is good news for aspiring entrepreneurs studying at Aarhus University.

From 1 February, a new scheme allows greater flexibility for students needing to focus their efforts on a promising business idea alongside their studies.

According to Pro-rector Berit Eika, the scheme will make it possible for more students to combine entrepreneurial activities with their studies, so that they do not have to choose one at the expense of the other.

“Talented entrepreneurs have a lot to offer society, and at Aarhus University we want to do our bit to nurture this talent even more. By offering advice and allowing slightly more flexibility under our degree programmes, we can make it easier for students to keep their entrepreneurial dreams alive without compromising on their studies,” she says.

Inspiration from elite sport

The scheme was inspired by Aarhus University’s successful ‘dual career concept’ for elite athletes. Under this scheme, elite athletes have for several years been able to receive special support during their studies, and the experience has been so positive that the concept is now being expanded to include entrepreneurs.

“Our elite sports programme counts several Olympic and world championship medallists, and we can see that elite athletes also do well on their degree programmes. There is no doubt that pursuing two tracks simultaneously is demanding – with or without dispensation. However, our experience shows that it is possible if you are very committed and prepared to work hard. And entrepreneurs are,” says Berit Eika.

Market interest and commitment count most

However, it takes more than a company registration number (CVR no.) and a company name if students want more time for developing their business idea.

Aarhus University has developed a points system that evaluates entrepreneurs within four main categories: the company’s product, the company’s strengths, market interest and the student’s commitment.

The last two categories carry particular weight in the final evaluation. Criteria such as revenue, market demand and participation in entrepreneurial clusters play a role.

Applicants can score a maximum of 36 points, but regardless of the final score, it is the local board of studies that decides whether a student is allowed to join the new entrepreneur scheme.

The points system is intended to help the boards of studies, while also ensuring uniform and transparent requirements for all applicants.

Aarhus University will evaluate the new scheme and points system in February 2018.