Aarhus University Seal

Millions from Marie Curie network go to AU research into dignity for the elderly

Associate Professor Annelise Norlyk from Aarhus University will receive DKK 4.6 million to investigate how elderly people can maintain their sense of dignity in connection with illness or dependency on help.

A group of researchers from five different European countries have received approx. DKK 34 million towards a major project on how elderly people experience dignity. One of them is Associate Professor Annelise Norlyk from the Department of Public Health at Health, who is receiving DKK 4.6 million.

The project takes elderly people's own perspectives on dignity as its starting point and examines how municipal care can in future be structured so that it both meets the increasing number of complex care needs and supports elderly people's own experience of dignity.

The grant is made by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks, which is administered by the European Commission.

Associate Professor, PhD, Nurse Annelise Norlyk
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobile: (+45) 2911 9738
Email: an@ph.au.dk