Mia Beck Lichtenstein joins RUNSAFE
Mia has tremendous expertice within emotional responses to sport injuries and exercise addiction, and this topic is massively important since prevention and treatment of running-related injuries should take into account personality, emotions and addiction.

In the upcoming years, Mia may assist investigating questions like "Why does the runner continue running despite severe injury?" and "why does some runners develop fear-avoidance after having had an injury?". Mia Beck Lichtenstein is assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark. Further, she is working as clinical psychologist at the Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark. Her educational background also includes a bachelor in sport sciences. Importantly, Mia is a passionated runner like the rest of the RUNSAFE crew. Therefore, RUNSAFE warmly welcome Mia and we look forward to our scientific endeavours.