Aarhus University Seal

Media training course in the autumn – sign up now

Do you get to approve your quotes, and how do you communicate your research in the media without compromising on scientific integrity? You can find the answers by signing up for Health's media training course in the autumn.

The media in Denmark are looking for experts and new knowledge within the healthcare sector. The media training course at Health trains you to handle inquiries from journalists and to communicate your research to a broader audience in an interesting and responsible manner.

This autumn's media training course will be held on Thursday 2 November 2017 9:00-16:00.

Find out more about the media training course and sign up here

The course alternates between presentations and exercises, and you will have ample opportunity to practice communicating your field of research, among other things in front of a live camera. You will receive personal feedback and learn about the ‘ground rules’ for collaborating with journalists.

The media training course is intended for all Health-employed researchers. The course has room for ten participants and registration takes place on a first-come first-served basis. Please register here.    

The media training course will be held in the Victor Albeck Building in the University Park. Participation is free of charge although from 2018 you will have to pay a fee for course participation.

Further information

Communication Partner Lise Wendel Eriksen
Mobile: (+45) 2993 8616
Email: we@au.dk