Aarhus University Seal

International award to researcher from Aarhus

Per Kallestrup from Aarhus University has received the Vasco da Gama “Being Young Staying Young” award. The award is being presented for the first time and Per Kallestrup receives the award for his deep-rooted commitment to the Vasco da Gama Movement and for having developed the Hippokrates exchange programme.

Per Kallestrup has been an active contributor to the Vasco da Gama Movement for a number of years. The association is a European working group for new and coming medical doctors. This commitment has just been honoured with the “Being Young Staying Young” award.

Per Kallestrup receives the award because he has made a valuable and important contribution to the Vasco da Gama Movement. Among the grounds given for making the award, the awards committee states that not only has Per Kallestrup made a contribution, he has also succeeded in making a decisive impact on the development of the association in a positive direction, that he has been an inspiration for many people and that he is responsible for the establishment of the Hippokrates exchange programme.

Per Kallestrup is honoured to receive the inaugural award.
"I am pleased to be able to contribute to both the research and to develop the study programme and I am particularly proud of Hippokrates, which continues to help inspire and create a platform for people to get involved. It acts as a bridge between young, innovative enthusiasts and more experienced general practitioners and also helps develop our profession across international borders," he says.

The exchange programme was launched in 2000 with the aim of combining academic and cultural formation.

"Life is full of journeys and our professional formation is one of these journeys. We started in 2000 with five participating countries and 25 general practices and since then the programme has steadily grown to include 26 countries and over 100 general practices," says Per Kallestrup, who is currently working at the Center for Global Health, Department of Public Health at Aarhus University and in his doctor’s practice in Skødstrup near Aarhus.

Further information

Associate Professor, PhD, General Practitioner Per Kallestrup
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobile: +45 2092 6528

Find out more about the award here: http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/News/VDGMawardtoPerKallestrup.aspx