Aarhus University Seal

How to avoid problems with the phishing mails

AU is currently under attack by a new wave of phishing mails, so please be extremely cautious about clicking on links in mails – or you could be the next person to take the bait.

AU is currently experiencing an increase in phishing mails – as well as an increase in the number of employees who click the links in these mails. AU IT strongly encourages everyone to be extremely cautious: do not click links in mails if you have even the slightest doubt about their authenticity.


Typical characteristics of a phishing mail

  • Errors in spelling and grammar.
  • Requests that you act now, e.g. Click here to ensure your email account is not closed".
  • Requests to disclose confidential information (e.g. password and bank account information) via a link in the email or by answering the mail. 
  • Requests to open attached files.
  • Links which appear to be official or familiar at first glance, but which reveal a different destination when you move your mouse over them.
  • A sender address which is revealed not to be official on closer inspection. E.g. <aarhusuniversity12@gmail.com>

If you receive a phishing mail, simply delete it. If you are not sure whether a mail you have received is a phishing mail, contact your local IT support team – www.au.dk/en/it.   

In the event that you receive a phishing mail and accidentally click a link, provide sensitive personal information or open an attached file, contact your local IT support team immediately so that we can limit the damage and correct the problem as quickly as possible.