Aarhus University Seal

Grant: Does oestrogen have an effect on strength training?

Associate professor and PhD Mette Hansen from the Department of Public Health at Aarhus University has received DKK 227,180 from the Augustinus Foundation towards a research project on the importance of female sex hormones for the musculoskeletal system – at rest and during exercise.

With the grant from the Augustinus Foundation, Mette Hansen now has the opportunity to study how oestrogen supplements influence the effect of strength training in women going through the menopause. Mette Hansen and her fellow researchers will, among other things, measure the women’s muscle strength and body composition, while also carrying out functional tests and in-depth tissue analyses of muscles, tendons, fat and skin.

In the long term, the research project may contribute to the drafting of gender and age-specific treatment and rehabilitation programmes. The results will thus benefit both young (physically active) woman as well as women going through the menopause.


Associate Professor, PhD Mette Hansen
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobil: (+45) 5166 6551
Email: mhan@ph.au.dk