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EDU IT: Video lectures are here to stay

The HSTalks - Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection containing more than 2,400 video lectures will remain part of the digital teaching at Health. AU Library has purchased permanent access to all of its video lectures until December 2022.

For the last six months, blackboard teaching has been supplemented with video lectures – and these will now continue at Health.

"This continued access to the video lectures means that lecturers can integrate them into their teaching together with e.g. an article written by the lecturer. It provides students with both sound and pictures on and about the research," says Mads Roald Dahl from the EDU IT team at CESU.

HSTalks - Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection features many hours of digital lectures by outstanding international researchers who review and explain knowledge and theories from their field of research.

The video lectures in HSTalks are divided into series, subject areas and therapeutic areas, and the system has several advantages in teaching activities:

“The video library offers to match curriculum with the relevant videos free-of-charge if the lecturer does not have the time to watch complete videos. Also, the videos or extracts from them can be integrated directly in Blackboard and/or in PowerPoint presentations,” says Mads Roald Dahl.

Read more about HSTalks in the article here.


Mads Roald Dahl
Aarhus University, Centre for Health Sciences Education (CESU)
Mobile: (+45) 6127 8942