Aarhus University Seal

Double grants towards research into diabetic kidney disease

Medical doctor, PhD Jakob Appel Østergaard from AU and AUH is receiving funding from both the Danish Council for Independent Research and the Central Denmark Region's Research Foundation towards research into the treatment of kidney disease in patients with diabetes.

As many as every third diabetic patient will suffer secondary diseases in the kidneys, and there is still no effective treatment to prevent or slow down these diseases. This is the field of research that MD, PhD Jakob Appel Østergaard from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital will now specialise in even further with support from the Danish Council for Independent Research and the Central Denmark Region's Health Science Research Foundation.

Jakob Appel Østergaard's goal is to find forms of treatment for diabetic kidney disease using tests on targeted control of the immune system. Research suggests that in the case of diabetes, the immune system confuses the body's own tissue with bacteria and probably thereby damages the kidneys. The grants provide Jakob Appel Østergaard with the opportunity to carry out research on a part-time basis while also studying to become a medical specialist in medical endocrinology.

The Danish Council for Independent Research provides a grant of DKK 581,330 and the Central Denmark Region's Health Science Research Foundation grant is for DKK 568,851.



Medical Doctor, PhD, Jakob Appel Østergaard

Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University and the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital
Tel.: (+45) 20 91 22 26

Email: jakob.oestergaard@clin.au.dk