Aarhus University Seal

Do you have a new co-worker who needs an introduction to AU?

There will be an introduction day for new AU employees on 5 October. Remember to encourage your new co-workers to participate.

What can I find on the Staff Service website? Who can tell me about AU’s staff policy? And what does the rector think I need to know about the university? Your new co-worker will get answers to these questions – and many more – at the AU intro day for new employees on 5 October from 8:30-12:45.

The intro day is for all employees hired at AU within the last six months. There is a programme for both Danish and international employees.

At the intro day your new co-worker will be introduced to some of the various services and functions that exist for AU employees, participate in a guided tour of the University Park campus and not least meet the rector.

Read the programme and sign up here.