Do Runners Seek Their General Practitioner?
Until now we have only little knowledge of how injured runners impact General Practice in Denmark. How many running-related injuries are consulted in General Practice? And what is the outcome of a running-related injury consultation?

With assistance from NordKAP, Solvej Videbæk, Sten Rasmussen and Rasmus Nielsen from RUNSAFE are conducting a self-administrated questionnaire among General Practitioners (GP) in North Denmark Region. The primary purpose isto identify the number of clinical examinations because of running-related injuries in General Practice. Secondary to gain insight to the treatment options given to runners by their GP. Are most running-related injuries treated internal in the Primary Care Sector or are they referred to other specialists, e.g. physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons? Such question will be answered based on the findings from the present study.
The data collection from our final questionnaire will take place in august 2015 and the aim is to collect, analyse and facilitate the results into a written article aimed for publication.