Aarhus University Seal

Do not Use RejsUd in the period 3 - 21 May 2019

From 3 May to 21 May, AU’s travel expense management system, RejsUd, will be updated. Users of RejsUd should have received a detailed email about the system's update period and its consequences.

In the period 3 - 21 May, RejsUd will not operate normally. If you create new settlements during this period, you will have to start all over again or provide more of the same information again after 21 May. The update of RejsUd is necessary because AU is transitioning to the Danish state’s system of account types. An account type defines the type of expense in question. The transition to the Danish state’s system of account types will not affect information such as ‘sag’ (project), ‘sagsopgave’ (activity) etc in AU’s financial management systems. So when the system is finished, RejsUd will continue to operate as before.


Haven’t received a mail about the RejsUD update?

If you are a RejsUd user but have not received an email about the period in which RejsUd should not be used, you can find the email text here (in Danish)


Additional information

If you have any questions about the update, please send an email to oeksystemer@au.dk