Aarhus University Seal

Do not Use IndFak in the period 13 - 20 May 2019

From 13 May to 20 May, AU’s invoice management system, IndFak, will be affected by an update. If you are a registered user of IndFak, you have received an email with detailed information about this.

For technical reasons, users of IndFak should not confirm acceptance of invoices during this period. The update will take just over a week. IndFak will operating normally again as of 21 May.

The update of IndFak is necessary because AU is transitioning to the Danish state’s system of account types. The account type defines the type of expense in question. The transition to the Danish state’s system of account types will not affect information such as ‘sag’ (project), ‘sagsopgave’ (activity) etc in AU’s financial management systems.


If you have not received an email about the period in which IndFak should not be used

If you are an IndFak user, but have not received an email about the period in which IndFak should not be used, you can find the email text here (in Danish)


Additional information

If you have any questions, please send an email to oeksystemer@au.dk