Dentists from Aarhus University win two prizes at European congress
Louise Hauge Matzen and Rubens Spin-Neto from The Section for Oral Radiology at the Department of Dentistry, Aarhus University, secured two first places at a European congress in Wales. However, this is not the first time that the two AU researchers have been honoured for their research into oral radiology.
The European Association of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology held their fifteenth congress in June. It took place in Cardiff, Wales, where Louise Hauge Matzen was awarded the prize for best poster presentation, while Rubens Spin-Neto received the award for the best oral presentation at the congress.
"Winning international prizes is a big personal pat on the back and a recognition of our work. It helps to underline that the research we do in the field of oral radiology in Aarhus is at the highest level and is helping to define the guidelines for future research," says Louise Hauge Matzen, PhD and assistant professor at the Department of Dentistry.
Radiology research putting Aarhus on the global map
Both dentists carry out research into the use of cone-beam computed tomography, also called CBCT scanning. Oral radiology research has also previously led to prizes for the researchers, as well as putting Aarhus University on the global map.
"The award helps show the outside world that we are working hard to create better, research-based knowledge within the field of dental health for the benefit of researchers, dentists and patients," says PhD and assistant professor, Rubens Spin-Neto.
This is the second time that Rubens Spin-Neto has won the award for best oral presentation at the congress of the European Association of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology. The first time was in 2014 when the congress was held in Romania.
Louise Hauge Matzen was also awarded first prize for her oral presentation at the International Association of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology congress in Chile in 2015. That year, both the second and third place in the same category went to two researchers from the Section of Oral Radiology at the Department of Dentistry at Aarhus University.
Research into CBCT scans
Louise Hauge Matzen conducts research into how CBCT can be utilised to diagnose non-erupted teeth, in particular wisdom teeth. The award-winning study entitled ”Radiographic pathological findings decisive for removal of mandibular third molars in panoramic images and CBCT” will result in research-based guidelines for use in dental care.
Rubens Spin-Neto examines how the optimum image quality can be ensured under a CBCT scanning in cases where the patient moves during the examination. The first step is to find out when and how the patient moves, and for this purpose Rubens Spin-Neto proposes a new three-dimensional monitoring method. The award-winning study was entitled ”Detection of patient movement during CBCT examination using video observation compared to a novel three-dimensional tracking method”.
Further information
PhD, Assistant Professor Louise Hauge MatzenAarhus University, Department of DentistryDirect tel.: (+45) 8716
PhD, Assistant Professor Rubens Spin-Neto
Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry
Telephone: (+45) 4243 4836