DCE at the 8th Fragility Fracture Network Global Congress in Oxford
The AROSE group from Department of Clinical Epidemiology took home prize at Oxford congress.
The Aarhus Research Group in Orthopaedic Surgery and Epidemiology (AROSE) at DCE attended the 8th Fragility Fracture Network (FFN) Global Congress on 28-29 August in Oxford, UK. The group is led by Professor Alma B. Pedersen and she was joined in Oxford by a postdoc, two PhD students, and two research year students.
The group contributed with two posters and five oral presentations all based on data from the Danish Multidisciplinary Hip Fracture Registry. The abstract Post-surgery infection and subsequent mortality among hip fracture patients: different methods for dealing with time-varying confounding in a Danish population based cohort study, 2004-2016, by Nickolaj Risbo et al. and presented by Alma B. Pedersen, took home the prize for the FFN Top 6 Best Poster Presentation. The full overview of the scientific contributions to the congress is available here.
You can follow the group’s activities on Twitter via #AarhusAROSE.