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Christoffer Laustsen challenges the boundaries of imaging technology

Christoffer Laustsen was appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital from 1 December. Here he will develop advanced MRI technologies which can help medical doctors and researchers to more precisely diagnose and find the right treatment for serious diseases.

In his professorship, Christoffer Laustsen will invent, develop and test new MRI imaging methods. Photo: Private.

Magnetic resonance imaging, also known as MRI, is an imaging technique in which radio waves and magnetism are used to form images of the inside of the body. Newly-appointed professor Christoffer Laustsen invents, develops and tests new MRI methods with the aim of making the technology applicable in both research contexts and in the hospital sector, so that the technology becomes medicine’s extended arm.

Christoffer Laustsen, who also heads the MR Research Centre at the Department of Clinical Medicine, has particular focus on developing imaging methods that can very precisely – and far earlier than is possible today – determine the effect of a given treatment, by looking at the very earliest changes in the body's cells, i.e. the metabolism. At present, Christoffer Laustsen is working on projects designed to improve diagnostic accuracy and better predict the effect of the treatment of strokes, cancer in the brain, Covid-19, liver cancer, leukaemia and kidney and heart disease, among others.



Professor and Research Centre Director Christoffer Laustsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University, The MR Research Centre
Mobile: (+45) 2443 9141
Email: cl@clin.au.dk