Aarhus University Seal

Career development – now also for junior researchers

Fixed-term appointments, a lack of own research projects and the eternal status as middle author have thus far been the reality faced by many junior researchers. But with a new, structured programme the junior researchers at Health can look forward to getting their career on track from their first day at work.

The approximately 150 academic casual labourers at Health are heading for better times. In future, assistant professors, postdocs and new tenure track employees will have the right to a number of development activities that should ensure they have a career path that stretches further ahead than next week's tasks.

The faculty management team at Aarhus University recently presented a new, comprehensive career development programme for junior researchers, which was recently supplemented by the faculty management team at Health with three focus areas that will strengthen the careers of junior health researchers.

First and foremost, with the junior researcher being ensured a reconciling of mutual expectations with his or her immediate supervisor already in connection with the appointment. This is where an individual career development plan or IDP (Individual Development Plan) is drawn-up.

Additionally, there is compulsory participation in a career workshop for newly appointed junior researchers and finally, the junior researcher is each year invited to a staff development dialogue (SDD) which includes not only the traditional SDD themes, but also follow-up on the career development plan.

The initiative, which is one of Health's must-win battles for 2017, does not only have the objective of creating better conditions and clearer career paths for junior researchers. The expectation is also that the faculty can attract and retain a greater number of skilled academic staff members by offering attractive opportunities for development.

See also New career platform for junior researchers has been launched