Aarhus University Seal

Blackboard’s replacement is coming in autumn

From the autumn semester 2021, Aarhus University will replace Blackboard with the new learning platform Brightspace. Students from a number of different degree programmes are currently participating in Brightspace test runs. In the autumn semester, all students at AU will have access to the new platform.

From the autumn semester 2021, you must find your courses on Brightspace - AU's new learning platform. Photo: AU Photo.


From the autumn semester 2021, Aarhus University’s online learning platform will no longer be called Blackboard, but Brightspace. After the summer holiday, Brightspace will be where you can find your courses, assignments and course materials – all the things you currently find on Blackboard.  

A lot of AU’s students are already trying their hand at Brightspace, as test runs are taking place on select programmes during spring at all five faculties. However, it’s not until the autumn semester 2021 that all students will be given access and the new platform will be implemented at the entire university.   

What will happen to Blackboard

Blackboard will close for good at the end of October, once Brightspace is fully implemented. Before Blackboard closes, it will be possible to download the material that you wish to save.

You should not do anything right now. In spring, you will receive more information about how to download material from Blackboard and how to access Brightspace. So keep an eye on your study portal and your AU-mail.

You can also learn more about Brightspace at studypedia.au.dk, which will be updated regularly with new information and guides.  

Important dates: 

  • The autumn semester 2021: All students will have access to Brightspace, and all of AU’s courses will run on the new platform.  
  • October 2021: Blackboard closes, so the material you wish to save must be downloaded.  


Brightspace facts  

Reason for new learning platform 

Like all other public institutions, AU is required to send its IT systems out to tender. Brightspace was chosen as a new learning platform, since it matches AU’s requirements for user-friendliness, functionality and educational opportunities.  

Students contribute to the process 

The students have contributed with valuable input for the adjustment and further development of the new learning platform via the faculties’ implementation committees and the test run that took place in autumn. Among other things, the students have given suggestions for the design of Brightspace’s courses and front page. In addition, a number of students were interviewed about their digital user journey, which was used in developing Brightspace.