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Biomedical viral researcher honoured with American talent award

Associate Professor David Olagnier from Aarhus University is the only European among the recipients of this year's ACS Infectious Diseases Young Investigator Award. He receives the award in recognition of ten years of groundbreaking research into infectious diseases, which has benefited cancer patients, among others.

David Olagnier uses genetically modified viruses to fight cancer cells in the hope of enabling more patients to survive forms of cancer with poor prognoses. In addition, he wants his research to contribute to a more nuanced and positive perception of viruses.

The biomedical viral expert is particularly interested in new viruses such as Dengue, Zika and SARS-Covid19, although he also examines the correlation between metabolism and congenital antiviral responses in cancer and in viral infections. 


Together with the award, David Olagnier receives a personal award of USD 1,000 and an invitation to a celebration symposium, which will be held in honour of the three award winners in Atlanta later this year. The other two award winners are Eszter Boros from Stonybrook University and Sloan Siegrist from the University of Massachusetts.


Associate Professor & PhD David Olagnier
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Email: olagnier@biomed.au.dk