Become an academic mentor or mentee
Would you like the pleasure and satisfaction of helping a talented colleague develop professionally and personally? Or would you like someone to bounce ideas off to help develop your career as a teacher and researcher? Then why not become a mentor or mentee in AU’s Empower Talent! programme?

The mentorship programme Empower Talent! matches employees at assistant professor level with more experienced colleagues at associate professor or professor level. If you sign up as a mentor or mentee, the programme gives you an opportunity to give or receive advice and guidance, while developing your professional network at the same time.
Annette Skovsted Hansen, associate professor at the School of Culture and Society, is has served as a mentor several times:
"As a mentor, I have the opportunity to meet exciting, inventive people, and it gives me both a good network and greater insight into what’s going on at other departments, schools and faculties. I get a lot of inspiration from the conversations I have with the junior researchers – both about their challenges and possible solutions to them," she said.
Annette Skovsted Hansen considers the development of self-confidence to be one of the most important ways to support junior researchers.
"I find that I can support them in being open to alternative options when doors are closed or need to be opened. And often, my mentees know what it will take for them to be able to develop their opportunities. They formulate the solutions themselves, and I just repeat them so they can hear them."
Become a mentor
Would like to share your experiences with a researcher colleague and contribute to the continued development of an attractive workplace environment at AU? Then become a mentor. Professionally and personally, it’s a rewarding challenge.
Become a mentee
Would you like help in developing and enhancing your professional identity? Would you like guidance on strategic prioritisation of your working hours and tasks? Or good advice and input on your academic career decisions? Then become a mentee.
Registration is open through 17 November 2020.
Get more information
- Read more at our website
- Watch the video about the mentorship programme
- Send a mail to if you have questions about the mentorship scheme.