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Villum Investigator grants to support research into the food processes and NANO technology of the future over the next six years.

Professor Milena Corredig from the Department of Food Science has received DKK 30 million for her project Fremtidssikring af bearbejdning af fødevarebiomolekyler (future-proofing food biomolecule processing). 

The aims of Milena Corredig's research are to facilitate more resilient food processes without compromising on safety and stability, and to minimise resource wastage and optimise nutritional value. Milena Corredig also hopes that her research will inspire a new generation of researchers working at the interface between technology, biochemistry and food physics.

Read about Milena Corredig's research.

Professor Anja-Verena Mudring has received DKK 40 million for her project: 'Enabling Technologies for A Sustainable Future: Ionic Liquids as Transformative Tools in Nanomaterials SynthesisThe aim is to examine how ionic fluids control the formation of nanomaterials at atomic level. This understanding will make it possible to design ionic fluids as molecular tools to construct a specific nanostructure. This may open the door to new materials and green technologies to meet the challenges of a sustainable society.

Anja-Verena Mudring comes from Stockholm University, and she will take up her position as a professor at the Department of Chemistry this summer. She will also be affiliated with iNANO and the iMAT research centre.

Read about Anja-Verena Mudring's research.

The Villum Investigator grant is awarded every year to experienced and internationally recognised researchers with potential to make a significant contribution to research in the technical and natural sciences at a Danish university. A grant runs for six years.

The Villum Investigator programme is advertised in open competition every other year. The application deadline for the next call for applications is September 2022.   

This article is written on the basis of
press material from the Villum Foundation.