Aarhus University Seal

AU joins European network for research-intensive universities

Aarhus University will strengthen its influence on European research policy through membership in a new international university network

Aarhus University has joined a new European network of 18 research-intensive universities, the Guild of European Research Intensive Universities. The Guild was launched on 21 November at a major conference in Brussels. The network will work to ensure that Europe maintains a focus on producing new knowledge.

According to Berit Eika, pro-rector of Aarhus University, the new network offers a variety of possibilities: “Excellence in research and innovation are always based on collaboration. We are strengthening our relationships with other strong universities, which will also make the excellent research performed at Aarhus University more visible. In addition, we will help develop new forms of collaboration with our society.”

Through membership in the guild, Aarhus University will gain better opportunities to draw on the experiences of other countries, and together with the other members of the network, AU will contribute to highlighting the role of research in the development of our global society.

“In other parts of the world, massive investments are being made in research, innovation and education. For this reason, it’s necessary for Europe to match this development so that we can create the knowledge which is a precondition for growth and job creation, both today and tomorrow. For example, the new network will give us much better opportunities for influencing decisions on the contents of EU’s new framework programme for research and innovation,” Pro-rector Eika explains.

The launch of the Guild of European Research Intensive Universities has met with a positive reception from the EU, which sees clear advantages in the possibility of communicating with a group representing 18 leading universities when developing the research policy of the future.


Further information about the network can be found at www.the-guild.eu