Aarhus University Seal

Apply now for funding to go abroad

AU's International Centre is ready with funding from Erasmus+ for applicants who want to study abroad. As a Health employee, you can apply for funding to visit universities throughout the EU, - and the faculty management are backing the initiative. See what you can get funding for and how to apply.


What is histology teaching like at the university in Heidelberg? And how do they approach genetic research in Groningen? If you appreciate inspiration from international peers, then this is a great opportunity to find funding to study abroad. The offer applies whether you are looking for inspiration for your teaching or your research.

The International Centre at AU has secured funding from the EU Erasmus+ programme and are now accepting applications for shorter stays in all EU countries as well as Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein, Macedonia and Turkey.

A cornerstone of an academic career

According to the department head at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, prioritising study abroad is important.

“I our busy daily lives, planning and coordinating activities like a study abroad can be demanding and maybe there has been a tendency to let this classical way of mutual academic inspiration slide a bit more into the background. That's why it's important that we as management prioritise and encourage our employees to take the opportunity when it’s there,” says Siri Beier Jensen.

She also emphasises that a period abroad is a cornerstone of an academic career, and that it always gives a new and useful perspective.

"In some cases, it will definitely be inspirational to find that international colleagues have other innovative ways of solving certain problems than we have. In other cases, it may become clear that we have better methods, which is also a great insight to take home," says the department head.

Support for training and teaching

You can apply for funding from Erasmus+ via AU's International Centre for either a training or teaching stay. A training stay covers seminars, courses and workshops, job shadowing and research activities with a training aspect, where you learn how to use new equipment or a new method. A training stay may also be a study visit, where you can see how colleagues at another university are organised, or a kick-off meeting with potential partners for a new project. The training stay may be held at both universities and companies and organisations.

With a teaching stay you must spend at least eight hours a week as a guest lecturer at a university, and the stay is subject to an Erasmus agreement on guest lecturing.

The following applies regardless of whether you want to learn something new or wish to hold your own lectures:

  • The stay may last between 2-12 days.
  • The scholarship is approx. DKK 1,000 per day together with a travel subsidy of DKK 2,000.
  • You must be employed at AU to apply.
  • The application must include a programme for the stay signed by your host.

Find more information about the mobility scholarships at the university staff website and apply by filling out this application form (opens Word document).


International Coordinator Sara Ølholm Eaton
AU Education – Mobility and Transnational Education 
Phone: (+45) 8715 2429
Mobile: (+45) 2360 2268 
Mail: solholm@au.dk

International Advisor Tanja Hansen
Aarhus University, Health – Dean’s Secretariat
Mobile: (+45) 9350 8108
Email: tanja.hansen@au.dk