Aarhus University Seal

Application figures: Health is once again a hit

The health science degree programmes at Aarhus University are once again popular this year. Both the total number of applicants and the number of first-priority applications to Health’s degree programmes have increased, with medicine and dentistry as the two degree programmes attracting many applicants. This is shown by this year’s figures from the Coordinated Enrolment System.

A total of 1,526 applicants have placed one of Health’s degree programmes at the top of their wish list this year, which is a two percent increase over last year.

Once again this year, it is the medical degree programme that attracts many first-priority applications; 959 applicants have chosen medicine in Aarhus as their first priority, which is an increase of six per cent compared to last year.

"It is very positive to see that more and more of the most talented students want to study medicine in Aarhus, even though Aalborg has doubled the number of places for new medical students," says Dean Lars Bo Nielsen.

The faculty's largest degree programme is not the only one to receive more first-priority applications this year. The dentistry degree programme has also seen a significant increase in the number of applicants, with a nine per cent increase in the number of applicants with Aarhus University as their first choice.

Number of applicants still increasing

The total number of applications to Health’s study programmes has also increased. This year, 4,065 applicants have submitted applications to one of the health science degree programmes at Aarhus University, which is an increase of 5.5 per cent over last year. An increase that pleases the dean:

"Our health science degree programmes are attractive, so I am actually not that surprised that they are so popular. Our research and teaching has a high international standard. Our researchers are deeply involved in the ongoing development of our degree programmes, so that they match society's needs and prepare our graduates for the future challenges they must resolve. And we also have a very good study environment in Aarhus, which we should not underestimate," says Dean Lars Bo Nielsen.

Health will admit almost 800 new students in September. 28 July is the date on which applicants will learn whether they have secured a place on their preferred degree programme.

You can also see how applicants are distributed across AU as a whole.


Further information

Dean Lars Bo Nielsen
Aarhus University, Health
Telephone:  (+45) 87 15 20 07
Email: larsbo@au.dk