Aarhus University Seal

Antivirus software from Sophos expires in February

AU’s Sophos license expires on 29 February 2016. It is therefore important to know that if you have a computer with Sophos antivirus software, your computer will no longer be protected against virus after this date. Sophos antivirus software may be installed on your work computer and on your private computer.


If Sophos antivirus software is installed on your work computer, please contact your local IT support. IT support will then install McAfee antivirus on your computer which is AU’s current antivirus software.

If Sophos antivirus software is installed on your private computer, you must uninstall the software yourself and install a new antivirus program. As a student or a member of staff, you can buy the McAfee LiveSafe antivirus software for all computers and smartphones in your household for EUR 13.50 if you use AU’s discount code. Read more at http://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/administration/it/antivirus/.  

If you do not know whether Sophos antivirus software is installed on your computer or not, look for a blue ‘S’ icon which indicates that Sophos antivirus software is installed. The icon is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner on a Windows computer and in the top right-hand corner on a Mac.

If you have any questions, please contact your local IT support. Find contact information at www.au.dk/en/it.