Aarhus University Seal

Aarhus University is bringing payments to suppliers forward

Aarhus University wants to support companies in Denmark that are under severe pressure due to the corona situation. Therefore, Aarhus University is bringing forward payments to suppliers.

The government has announced that it wishes to support companies and employees in this extraordinary situation that has arisen due to the coronavirus/COVID-19. The Agency for Public Finance and Management has encouraged all public sector institutions to bring forward payments to suppliers. 

Aarhus University has naturally decided to follow this recommendation and will pay all invoices approved for payment in our payment system as quickly as possible. This applies regardless of the payment deadline on the invoice.

In addition, Aarhus University will also expedite the processing of invoices received as much as possible, so that suppliers receive their payment as quickly as possible. Aarhus University will not compromise with regard to security in relation to goods received and the invoicing approval workflow in general.