Aarhus University Seal

Aarhus offers free wireless to students

Students and employees at higher education institutions can now access wireless internet for free in Aarhus at the library, at a concert or when dropping their kids off at school. Wireless net access is automatic close to public buildings, just as it is at their home educational institution.

Photo: Colourbox

This is the result of a partnership between the City of Aarhus and Aarhus University to make the Smart Aarhus net accessible via Eduroam. Smart Aarhus is an open wireless network accessible in all of the city’s public buildings.

Niels Højberg is chief municipal executive of the City of Aarhus and chair of the regional Smart Aarhus partnership. He is pleased that internet access has just gotten easier for students.

“Aarhus is and will continue to be a university town. In our digital knowledge society, it’s brilliant minds like these that attract businesses and cultural life, and this creates growth and prosperity not just in Aarhus, but in the entire metropolitan area,” he says, and adds:

“Aarhus University is an integrated part of the city digitally as well as physically.”

The new service is available to international students as well, as Eduroam is an international collaboration involving educational institutions in 74 countries all over the world.

Eduroam provides secure wireless connectivity at all member institutions. Eduroam allows any user from an Eduroam participating site to get automatic wireless network access at all participating institutions by simply opening their laptop.

Berit Eika is pro-rector for education at Aarhus University. She is pleased that the university and the city will be linked together digitally, and that international students and researchers are included:

“We live in a globalised and digital world. This is a very simple, strong message: Welcome! With some 50,000 students and employees, the university is an important part of life in the city - which the expansion of Eduroam confirms,” says Berit Eika.

Previously, Eduroam in Denmark was limited to educational institutions, primarily at university level. The agreement with the City of Aarhus and other municipalities means that Eduroam connectivity will be available outside the educational sector.

Børge Obel is chair of DelC (Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation), a virtual organisation under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science that administers Eduroam in Denmark.

“Connectivity and infrastructure are important both at our educational institutions and outside them, whether we’re speaking about research or education. Eduroam provides this flexibility and mobility both in Denmark and internationally,” says Børge Obel.

The joint Eduroam initiative involving the City of Aarhus and Aarhus University is a concrete example of the kinds of activities that are resulting from the Smart Aarhus partnership.

The new service was launched on 1 June 2015 by Aarhus’ mayor Jacob Bundsgaard at the opening of Internet Week Denmark, a five-day digital festival with over 100 events. Internet Week Denmark is also a Smart Aarhus initiative.


  • Bo Fristed, CIO, IT and Communications, City of Aarhus +456 2014 2612, fristed@aarhus.dk
  • Martin Brynskov, ASsociate Professor, AU Smart Cities, Aarhus University, +45 3068 0424, brynskov@cavi.au.dk
  • Børge Obel, Chair, DeIC, + 45 8716 4835, bo@icoa.au.dk
  • Ole Frendved Hansen, Project Manager for Eduroam, DeIC, +45 2523 4243, ole.frendved.hansen@deic.dk


  • Eduroam is available in public buildings in Aarhus from 1 June 2015.
  • Eduroam is an international collaboration between institutions of higher education in 74 countries.
  • Smart Aarhus is a regional partnership consisting of the City of Aarhus, Central Denmark Region, Aarhus University, VIA University College, Alexandra Institute and a number of enterprises and organisations: www.smartaarhus.dk
  • Smart Aarhus is also the name of the City of Aarhus’ wireless net-work, one of Denmark’s largest with 5000 wireless access points in public buildings, including libraries, schools, nursing homes, day care centres and cultural institutions.
  • In addition to automatic Eduroam access for university staff and students, there also is free access to Smart Aarhus for all guests and users via SMS login or NemID.