75 Years in the Service of Science
On the occasion of the Foundation's 75th anniversary on 2 September 2019, Aarhus University Research Foundation is introducing the anniversary series 75 Years in the Service of Science. You can follow the series on auff.dk and on the Foundation's Facebook page.
Starting on 28 August 2019 and for the next year, you will be able to read a weekly researcher portrait featuring AU researchers who have received grants from the Foundation from 1944 and until today.
In the series you can, amongst others, read about Johannes Sløk who became an apprentice in a factory, but decided that he wanted more out of life. You can also read about Professor Emeritus Jens Chr. Djurhuus who has helped change the attitude towards children peeing in bed, and about Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen who conducts research within public administration and who would like to contribute to a critical look at the way in which we organise our society.
Follow us starting on 28 August at auff.dk and https://www.facebook.com/Aarhusuniversitetsforskningsfond