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Listing all the users in the department 'Institut for Datalogi'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
450516Adam Blatchley HansenPh.d.-studerende  Institut for Datalogiblatchley@cs.au.dkExpand
450516Adam Blatchley Hansen   Institut for Datalogiblatchley@cs.au.dk 
640702Adam Husted KjelstrømStudenterunderviser  Institut for Datalogi  
3540Aino Vonge CorryEkstern lektor  Institut for Datalogiaino@cs.au.dk 
705570Albert Unmack BærentzenInstruktor  Institut for Datalogi  
690395Alejandro AguirrePostdoc  Institut for Datalogialejandro@cs.au.dk 
282141Aleksander Herforth RendtslevStudenterunderviser  Institut for Datalogialeksander@rendtslev.dk 
483644Alexander MathiasenPhD studerende  Institut for Datalogialexmath@cs.au.dk 
606136Ali Hussain KasimInstruktor  Institut for Datalogi  
165286Allan GrønlundPostdoc8715 6279 Institut for Datalogijallan@cs.au.dk 
735195Ama Bembua BainsonPh.d.-studerende  Institut for Datalogiama@cs.au.dkExpand
735195Ama Bembua Bainson   Institut for Datalogiama@cs.au.dk 
458226Amalie Brogaard PauliPh.d.-studerende  Institut for Datalogiampa@cs.au.dkExpand
458226Amalie Brogaard Pauli   Institut for Datalogiampa@cs.au.dk 
645305Amalie Rosenlyst PetersenInstruktor  Institut for Datalogi  
681475Amanda LeInstruktor  Institut for Datalogi  
721175Amik Raj BeheraPh.d.-studerende  Institut for Datalogibamikraj@cs.au.dkExpand
721175Amik Raj Behera   Institut for Datalogibamikraj@cs.au.dk 
571806Amin TimanyLektor  Institut for Datalogitimany@cs.au.dk 
611509Anders Alnor MathiasenPh.d.-studerende  Institut for Datalogialnor@cs.au.dkExpand
611509Anders Alnor Mathiasen   Institut for Datalogialnor@cs.au.dk 
642716Anders Benjamin ClausenStudenterunderviser  Institut for Datalogi  
681816Anders Bo IpsenInstruktor  Institut for Datalogi  
712441Anders Bruun SeverinsenInstruktor  Institut for Datalogi  
645828Anders KallesøeInstruktor  Institut for Datalogi  

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